HASTAC on Summer Hiatus

This has been quite a year for HASTAC. Most recently, we found ourselves humbled and truly impressed by the great turnout for the #HASTAC17 conference CFP, we’ve wound down yet another academic year with some amazing work from our newest scholars class, produced and printed a student-led collaborative publication and reviews, closed out our long running and highly successful DML Competition, and begun to facilitate our transition from Duke to our new institutional partner, ASU.

So, as you might imagine, HASTAC is preparing for quiet summer, at least in our public-facing capacity. The HASTAC team will still be hard at work collaborating with our new partners at ASU (some of whom can already be seen on our staff page) and our colleagues at CUNY, to finish the behind-the-scenes aspects of the transition. More news on that work and its results will be forthcoming as we progress.

While on hiatus, as usual, we still plan to cover all the essential work required to support our member community. Not much will change in the way the you use the HASTAC site or in the way the site is run. All site functionality and user support will, of course, remain in place. What community members are most likely to notice is a general dialing-down of communications and staff content curation on HASTAC.

The newsletter will come out once more at the end of June and then will be paused until the fall; there will be fewer HASTAC tweets and Facebook posts; and fewer of things we HASTAC administrators do will appear on site, like: event wrap-ups, collection creation, forum activity, HASTAC picks, HASTAC blogs, and so forth.  

There may also be a slightly longer lag time in our responses to queries and a more explicit prioritization of support requests based upon their severity. (This is in contrast to handling support on real-time basis, as we tend to do now as much as possible).

We look forward to seeing you all on the HASTAC site over the summer! We’ll still be here and we will be ramping up our communications and other day-to-day community activities come autumn.