Traversing Narratives through Digital Pathways
HASTAC Dialogue Daria: My project analyzes the structure of trials in the Spanish Inquisition in the seventeenth century. I study how legal narratives form through witness testimony, voluntary and coerced under torture. As inquisitors sought to build cases against alleged heretics, they used various legal and rhetorical skills to make individuals look like heretics based […]
Join the Collective – The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Call for Participation The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both graduate student members and non-student members […]
Review: The Atlas of AI
This volume sets out to explore how artificial intelligence is produced, winding its way through the various historical, cultural, economic, and political forces that inform and shape this process.
Chapter Review of ‘Data Feminism’ by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein. Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 of the book Data Feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein is centered around the principle of rethinking binaries and hierarchies. They ground their understanding through an analysis of the gender binary in data collection which determines who gets counted when considering policymaking and resource allocation and who remains invisible. Using gender as […]
Chapter Review of “Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence” by Kate Crawford | Chapter 3: Data.
Chapter 3 focuses on the pivotal role Data – which the author explains in the driving force of AI today – plays in AI systems. In this chapter, Crawford critiques the extraction, methods, and use of data in AI systems (mainly computer vision systems), highlighting the complexities and challenges associated with the widespread use of […]
Review: Kate Crawford’s “Atlas of AI” | Chapter 4: Classification
In the introductory pages of The Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, Kate Crawford describes artificial intelligence as a political “registry of power” (p. 8) that is simultaneously symbolic and material in nature. Stemming from the fifteenth-century term for describing an official account, “registry” implies an essence of formality […]
Review: Kate Crawford’s “Atlas of AI” | Chapter 6: State
In its January 2024 AI forecast, AI think tank and Forbes contributor Cognitive World declared that, according to Google Trends, “even with all of the hype that AI has gotten in the past decade or so,” internet searches around the topic have “positively exploded in the search interest in the past twelve months” (Schmelzer 2024). […]