Category: Coding & Development
Data Visualization in R: ggplot, plotly, googleVis and igraph overview
My recent workshop on Visualization in R. There are four different packages in R to visualize data: ggplot2, plotly, googlevis, igraph. In this hands-on workshop you will learn some basics of each package. Slides: Data set: (image credit:
Codecademy: Educational Institution?
Most people use smartphones or laptops to communicate with one another and are aware of the fact that programming is a significant component behind making these things work. The issue at hand is that the majority of these people do not know how to write code. Two reasons for this would be that the person […]
Data Visualization: Introduction to Shiny Web Applications
With the growing interest in interactive web applications for data visualization, the mastery of reactive frameworks, such as Shiny, becomes a valuable skill set in data science and digital humanities. Shiny is the analytical dashboards package created by R Studio, one of the key promoters and developers of R. It allows for rapid prototyping and deployment […]
FI App: Getting Started Tips
In my last post, I announced my FI research project, which aims to build a tool that can benefit both the FI and broader CUNY community. Specifically, the project focuses on building the FI Events Mobile Application. As a quick reminder, the goals of the project are the following: Build an Android Mobile App that displays FI events, which provides greater […]
Voyant – DNC and RNC 2016
I have recently had the opportunity to explore Voyant – an open-source, web-based application for performing text analysis. The two speeches I analyzed were Donald Trump’s RNC speech and Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech. My first step was to visualize the two speeches by entering a URL that linked to them in the Voyant text box, […]
Project Announcement! Developing the FI Events Mobile App
As part of our mission at the Futures Initiative, we conduct research projects aimed at understanding the complexities of the higher education landscape. In past years, FI fellows have conducted various data-driven projects focusing on CUNY’s FI community. Graduate Fellow Michael Dorsch led the CUNY NYC Language Mapping Project to map the languages spoken across New York City […]
Text Analysis: Underwood, Brett, and Posner
Brett and Underwood make many of the same distinctions in their discussions of text analysis or text mining. Both emphasize that the tools of text mining are usually applied to very large collections of works and data. Both also stress that there is inevitably going to be some level of human intervention. In other words, […]
Codecademy Evaluation
We use programs run by code every day, but so few of us actually know how to code ourselves. Codecademy, an online learning website, aims to teach the world how to code. Their site is home to free, learn by doing coding lessons on HTML, CSS, Java, Ruby, SQL, Sass, […]
My Text Encoding Initiative… Through the use of TEI encoding, I have been able to formulate a representation of a text document in digital form. The short snippet of the document that I attempted to encode was called “A Poem on the Bill Lately Passed for Regulating the Slave Trade”. One of the main components in […]