Category: Data & Visualization
Annemaree Lloyd writes new expert guide to qualitative approaches within information literacy
For immediate release 14 September 2021 Annemaree Lloyd writes new expert guide to qualitative approaches within information literacy Facet Publishing announce the publication of The Qualitative Landscape of Information Literacy Research by Annemaree Lloyd The last 46 years have witnessed a deep and continued interest in information literacy. The Qualitative Landscape of Information Literacy […]
6th COMPUTATIONAL ARCHIVAL SCIENCE (CAS) WORKSHOP See: [] Dec 15-18 (workshop date TBD), 2021, Atlanta, Orlando FL (now held virtually) COMPUTATIONAL ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: digital records in the age of big data PART OF: IEEE Big Data 2021 — [] All papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by the […]
Visualizing Philosophical Nuances I
It started as a toy problem for flexing my new skills with the R programming language: how might the nuances of philosophical texts be represented visually, and efficiently, for students? The basic unit is an ideme: my term for a meaningful phrase or word that cannot be used to understand the text without […]
Building Blocks of Computer Programming (Literally)
I started teaching myself to program in python a little over a year and a half ago, using a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the edx platform. The course took me directly to practical uses of python, with emphasis on writing working lines of code as soon as possible. I took a handful of […]
Gantt Charts, or What Academics Can Learn from Project Managers, Part I
[This post content is developed from another blog post originally published here.] When I met with a colleague to talk about her Orals, she very kindly told me she had no idea how I managed all of the things that I do. I admitted that sometimes I only just barely manage to do them, and […]
Learning About Omeka at GC
As I prepare to begin my digital capstone project, I am forced to consider how I want to manage my content. I have familiarity with wordpress through the work I am doing on my Social Justice Blog (Humanities Heart), but I feel compelled to explore other ways of managing my digital content. Last semester I […]
CCSWG18 Week 2 Write-Up: Critical + Creative Coding
WEEK 2: CRITICAL + CREATIVE CODING by Teddy Roland Week 2 Threads: Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding (Main thread) Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding. Coding as Method? Week 2: Critical and Creative Coding – Calvinball and Coders Week 2: Poetry as Code? Code as Poetry Week 2: Rando by Ben Grosser (Code […]