Category: Data & Visualization

  • Our Mobility, A Research Project

    Our Mobility, A Research Project

    Our mobility—whether it’s walking to a corner store, commuting by bus, driving across town, or flying across the globe—says something about our social advantages and disadvantages, culture, geography, goals, responsibilities, health, and well-being. Learning about the diversity of our mobile lives is one of the motivations behind my research project, Our Mobility. For some people, […]

  • Bibliography: blockchain and whisper networks

    The bibliography that follows is a first iteration of works that I’m gathering to explore epistemological and structural parallels between distributed ledger technology (aka blockchain) and whisper networks (as defined as “An informal chain of conversations among members of an oppressed or marginalized group about oppressors who need to be watched because of predatory behavior” […]

  • Call for Papers: IEEE International Conference on Big Data

    The workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 in Boston,  MA, USA, in conjunction with the 2017  IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017)[]. See call for papers at:[… ***** Submission Deadline: October 10, 2017 ***** The large-scale digitization of analog archives, the emerging diverse  forms of digital records and […]

  • On the implications of multimodal research for ethnography– and for the environment

    On the implications of multimodal research for ethnography– and for the environment

      As a social scientist and scholar, I see the emergence of digital or multimodal dissertations— traditionally researched and developed theses, which are published electronically and enhanced by audio files, video segments and even infographics generated from the research data—as platforms that expand the accessibility, timeliness and utility of graduate research for a broader global community. […]

  • Data Visualization in R: ggplot, plotly, googleVis and igraph overview

    Data Visualization in R: ggplot, plotly, googleVis and igraph overview

    My recent workshop on Visualization in R. There are four different packages in R to visualize data: ggplot2, plotly, googlevis, igraph. In this hands-on workshop you will learn some basics of each package. Slides: ​Data set: (image credit:

  • Data Visualization: Introduction to Shiny Web Applications

    Data Visualization: Introduction to Shiny Web Applications

    With the growing interest in interactive web applications for data visualization, the mastery of reactive frameworks, such as Shiny, becomes a valuable skill set in data science and digital humanities. Shiny is the analytical dashboards package created by R Studio, one of the key promoters and developers of R. It allows for rapid prototyping and deployment […]

  • Cytoscape and customizing your network

    Cytoscape and customizing your network

    “Cytoscape is an open source and [Java-based] software for integrating biomolecular interaction networks with high-throughput expression data and other molecular states into a unified conceptual framework” (Shannon 2498). It uses graph theory for modeling and rendering to display interactive graphs. This application is very professional with a lot of features and requires good knowledge of Data analysis […]

  • Cytoscape & The Counted

    Cytoscape & The Counted

    Cytoscape! It is “an open source software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data.” In my case, I used it to visualize data about the race/ethnicity of people killed by law enforcement in 2015. The data comes from The Counted, a platform dedicated to […]

  • The Counted Cytoscape network

    The Counted Cytoscape network

    I found this practicum very interesting in how we used a bioinformatics tool that visualizes molecular interactions for a humanities and social justice project.  According to Miriam Posners article on Cytoscape, you can visualize any information in the format of subject-verb-object. For example: Katy eats cake. Julia eats cake. Katy eats ice cream.  This would give […]

  • Voyant and Dartmouth College Commencement

    Voyant and Dartmouth College Commencement

    I used Voyant to analyze two websites for Dartmouth College Commencement. Every try came up with most frequent words and a snapshot of the website analysis. For example, the first one was The results were: Those frequent words were reasonable are proportional to the main idea. But, I had to read the speech several times to understand what’s […]