Category: Technology
How To Become a Technical Writer, for Academics
I completed my PhD in Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 2017 and am currently working on the Community team (composed of technical writers and technical editors) at the cloud computing company DigitalOcean. I joined the tech industry while I was ABD and completed my dissertation while […]
Learning About Omeka at GC
As I prepare to begin my digital capstone project, I am forced to consider how I want to manage my content. I have familiarity with wordpress through the work I am doing on my Social Justice Blog (Humanities Heart), but I feel compelled to explore other ways of managing my digital content. Last semester I […]
CCSWG18 Week 2 Write-Up: Critical + Creative Coding
WEEK 2: CRITICAL + CREATIVE CODING by Teddy Roland Week 2 Threads: Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding (Main thread) Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding. Coding as Method? Week 2: Critical and Creative Coding – Calvinball and Coders Week 2: Poetry as Code? Code as Poetry Week 2: Rando by Ben Grosser (Code […]
The (Open) Online Tools We Use–and Why You Should Too!
What’s the point of using online tools if your goal is a student-led, engaged learning course? Tech for the sake of tech is ludicrous, expensive, and exploitative. For me, the only reason to use a digital tool is to do something that would be impossible or difficult without it. In our course, we use digital […]
“Awarding Innovation”: The DML Competition, 2007-2014
For a full and thorough evaluation of the Digital Media and Leraning Competition, 2007-2014, please see: