• Plant Bot for Project BudBurst

    Plant Bot Here is the link to the existing project: https://scistarter.com/project/41-Project-BudBurst http://budburst.org/getstarted The citizen science project that we chose to adapt was the Project Budburst. The goal of this project is for citizens to observe plants and submit their data in order to help scientists with their goal of understanding how plants respond to climate […]

  • Track your Cat -STS Technosci- Project

    STS Technoscience Project- Cat GPS Tracking By:Edwin Jimenez, Justin Wang, Will Payne and Søren Dahl   Introduction: We are a group of four STS students from NC State University creating a citizen science project.  Traditional citizen science rarely engages participants in shaping the research agenda. On the other hand, civic technoscience affords: “new material technologies in […]

  • Kroski’s hands-on sourcebook for makerspaces

    Kroski’s hands-on sourcebook for makerspaces

    Facet Publishing have announced the release of The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook. Makerspaces are drawing new users into libraries and engaging them as never before. Edited by technology expert Ellyssa Kroski, The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook, is a must-read for any librarian using technology in teaching and learning as well as those considering whether to set up […]

  • Announcing #SocialDiss: Transforming the dissertation into networked knowledge production

    Announcing #SocialDiss: Transforming the dissertation into networked knowledge production

    To what extent can the general public participate in and benefit from the production of a dissertation? How might the private and anxiety-ridden processes of education be transformed into a public good and social joy? Are the imperfect artifacts of learning to be hidden and disposed of as shameful waste, or might they provide fertile […]

  • Bad Kids Save the World

    Bad Kids Save the World

    Playground City has had three main focuses during the last three months: 1)  Develop a suite of playlists that engage youth in their local food environment; 2)  Connect with our learners where they are, and understand their learning identities by asking questions; and 3)  Begin to address structural unemployment; i.e., understand employers’ hiring identities by […]

  • Data Visualization in R: ggplot, plotly, googleVis and igraph overview

    Data Visualization in R: ggplot, plotly, googleVis and igraph overview

    My recent workshop on Visualization in R. There are four different packages in R to visualize data: ggplot2, plotly, googlevis, igraph. In this hands-on workshop you will learn some basics of each package. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/obscrivn/r-visualization-ggplot2-googlevis-plotly-igraph-overview ​Data set: http://tutorials.iq.harvard.edu/R/Rgraphics/dataSets/landdata-states.csv (image credit: https://community.uservoice.com/blog/data-visualization-best-practices/)

  • Codecademy: Educational Institution?

    Codecademy: Educational Institution?

    Most people use smartphones or laptops to communicate with one another and are aware of the fact that programming is a significant component behind making these things work. The issue at hand is that the majority of these people do not know how to write code. Two reasons for this would be that the person […]

  • Data Visualization: Introduction to Shiny Web Applications

    Data Visualization: Introduction to Shiny Web Applications

    With the growing interest in interactive web applications for data visualization, the mastery of reactive frameworks, such as Shiny, becomes a valuable skill set in data science and digital humanities. Shiny is the analytical dashboards package created by R Studio, one of the key promoters and developers of R. It allows for rapid prototyping and deployment […]

  • FI App: Getting Started Tips

    FI App: Getting Started Tips

    In my last post, I announced my FI research project, which aims to build a tool that can benefit both the FI and broader CUNY community. Specifically, the project focuses on building the FI Events Mobile Application. As a quick reminder, the goals of the project are the following: Build an Android Mobile App that displays FI events, which provides greater […]

  • Cytoscape and customizing your network

    Cytoscape and customizing your network

    “Cytoscape is an open source and [Java-based] software for integrating biomolecular interaction networks with high-throughput expression data and other molecular states into a unified conceptual framework” (Shannon 2498). It uses graph theory for modeling and rendering to display interactive graphs. This application is very professional with a lot of features and requires good knowledge of Data analysis […]