Category: Coding & Development
Building Blocks of Computer Programming (Literally)
I started teaching myself to program in python a little over a year and a half ago, using a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the edx platform. The course took me directly to practical uses of python, with emphasis on writing working lines of code as soon as possible. I took a handful of […]
How To Code in Python 3 eBook Publication: A Year Later
Just over a year ago, on February 1, 2018, DigitalOcean released the collection of my Creative Commons-licensed Python tutorials as a free and open access eBook, How To Code in Python 3. Since then, the eBook has been downloaded 80,000 times to date and is available directly through DigitalOcean, Google Books and CUNY’s Manifold repository. […]
CCSWG18 Week 2 Write-Up: Critical + Creative Coding
WEEK 2: CRITICAL + CREATIVE CODING by Teddy Roland Week 2 Threads: Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding (Main thread) Week 2: Creative and Critical Coding. Coding as Method? Week 2: Critical and Creative Coding – Calvinball and Coders Week 2: Poetry as Code? Code as Poetry Week 2: Rando by Ben Grosser (Code […]
The Joys, Struggles, and Ultimate Triumphs of Coding: My Experience Learning the Language of Java
I had originally signed up to take Intermediate French I for my final semester at Wesleyan College. Unfortunately, I was informed that the class had been cancelled when I returned to campus after the summer, though the professor still gave me the resources I needed to learn higher-level French on my own time…I haven’t opened […]
Call for Papers: IEEE International Conference on Big Data
The workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 in Boston, MA, USA, in conjunction with the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017)[]. See call for papers at:[… ***** Submission Deadline: October 10, 2017 ***** The large-scale digitization of analog archives, the emerging diverse forms of digital records and […]
DML Playlist Final Report!
1. Who were you addressing with your design objective? Urban public high school students. While New York City (NYC) is considered the media and technology capital of the world, the population Urban Arts Partnership (UAP) serves — i.e. people of color living in NYC’s communities of low-income — is underrepresented in this industry. Roughly 11% […]
Kroski’s hands-on sourcebook for makerspaces
Facet Publishing have announced the release of The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook. Makerspaces are drawing new users into libraries and engaging them as never before. Edited by technology expert Ellyssa Kroski, The Makerspace Librarian’s Sourcebook, is a must-read for any librarian using technology in teaching and learning as well as those considering whether to set up […]