Category: Coding & Development
Activism & Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing and activism pair beautifully. There is power and numbers, and when it comes to activism, there is a lot of work that goes into researching, organizing, and mobilizing. I searched the web for crowdsourcing project that had to do with activism. In my search I came across different types of crowdsourcing projects. What’s on the […]
The Stack of CrowdSourcing
What is crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is a method by which individuals or organizations use contributions to develop ideas or products. In today’s tech driven society, much of this is done through the use of the internet. One of my favorite crowdsourcing platforms is stack overflow. I place this site in the category of crowdsourcing because […]
The relationship between a Database and a Digital Archive
Stephen Ramsey points out that Relational Databases are very helpful and very efficient to access and search data. All Rational Databases use a comprehensive language goes by SQL that enable users and applications to search data very faster and more accuracy comparing to digital archives. Relationships: The relation between tables in Relational Databases it very similar to […]
Database != Hyperlink
What is a database? This might seem trivial, but the many responses to this question that I have received clearly represent the different perspectives to which people view data and information. When writing a paper or researching something, most writers turn to the web in order to gain access to new information. On online […]
What is TEI Encoding?
The Text Encoding Initiative (also known as TEI) has been around since 1987. According to the TEI website, it was founded to “develop guidelines for encoding machine-readable texts in the humanities and social sciences.” The majority of funding for the TEI comes from member fees. The great thing about the TEI is that the […]
TEI Encoding and Headers
The main parts of a TEI Header are the file description, encoding description, text profile, container element and revision history. In the case of the Williams poem, the Header informs us of the poem’s bibliographic information, the encoding description lets us know the poem was keyed in using Google books and the text […]
Purpose of TEI Headers
There are three main parts of the TEI header in this file. First, the file description provides general bibliographical information. In this case, the file description is split into two sections labelled “title statement” and “publication statement.” Together, the information here includes the name of the piece, the author, and the “distributor” [of […]
SciGirls Code: Designing CS Playlists for Girls
SciGirls Code from Twin Cities PBS is a connected learning project designed to increase the participation of middle school girls in computer science. Our pilot, which is now in development and will run during the 2017-18 school year, will engage girls at 16 sites across the country in hands-on robotics, e-textile, and mobile app development […]