Category: Open Source & Open Web

  • PressureNet: Great Beginner Citizen Science Project

    PressureNet: Great Beginner Citizen Science Project

    Project: PressureNet  By: Samuel Cynamon, Corey Atkins, Jialang Li​ We chose this project because it offers a unique opportunity to start a new initiative on campus to aide in the crowdsourcing weather app using recycled phone, and solar energy. Normally users just need to have it downloaded on their phone to allow the automatic reporting system to […]

  • Track your Cat -STS Technosci- Project

    STS Technoscience Project- Cat GPS Tracking By:Edwin Jimenez, Justin Wang, Will Payne and Søren Dahl   Introduction: We are a group of four STS students from NC State University creating a citizen science project.  Traditional citizen science rarely engages participants in shaping the research agenda. On the other hand, civic technoscience affords: “new material technologies in […]

  • Announcing #SocialDiss: Transforming the dissertation into networked knowledge production

    Announcing #SocialDiss: Transforming the dissertation into networked knowledge production

    To what extent can the general public participate in and benefit from the production of a dissertation? How might the private and anxiety-ridden processes of education be transformed into a public good and social joy? Are the imperfect artifacts of learning to be hidden and disposed of as shameful waste, or might they provide fertile […]

  • Codecademy: Educational Institution?

    Codecademy: Educational Institution?

    Most people use smartphones or laptops to communicate with one another and are aware of the fact that programming is a significant component behind making these things work. The issue at hand is that the majority of these people do not know how to write code. Two reasons for this would be that the person […]

  • Cytoscape and customizing your network

    Cytoscape and customizing your network

    “Cytoscape is an open source and [Java-based] software for integrating biomolecular interaction networks with high-throughput expression data and other molecular states into a unified conceptual framework” (Shannon 2498). It uses graph theory for modeling and rendering to display interactive graphs. This application is very professional with a lot of features and requires good knowledge of Data analysis […]

  • Wiki-Contributing


    For exercise 1 of this practicum, I visited the citation hunt project page and searched for a topic relevant to myself, track and field athletes. I stumbled upon a page that needed multiple citations, a former athlete and American beauty pageant winner Claire Schreiner. The citations I tried to add didn’t end up working, but this […]

  • Practicum: Network Analysis

    Practicum: Network Analysis

    I recently used Cytoscape – an open source platform for network analysis – to visualize the distribution of race and ethnicity among the deceased that law enforcement agencies killed in 2015 and 2016. I wanted to see which law enforcement agencies targeted which demographics of victims. I plan to use the information to focus activist […]

  • Voyant – DNC and RNC 2016

    Voyant – DNC and RNC 2016

    I have recently had the opportunity to explore Voyant – an open-source, web-based application for performing text analysis. The two speeches I analyzed were Donald Trump’s RNC speech and Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech. My first step was to visualize the two speeches by entering a URL that linked to them in the Voyant text box, […]

  • Experience Editing Wikipedia

    Experience Editing Wikipedia

                Wikipedia has been an invaluable resource because it embodies so many of the best elements of the web. It takes advantage of the internets near zero marginal cost nature to become available to every single individual in the world for free. That is amazing! It has figured out effective community […]

  • The Highs and Lows of Collaboration: Wikipedia

    The Highs and Lows of Collaboration: Wikipedia

         This practicum on editing and citing on Wikipedia made me realize just how easy it is to change the information presented. Growing up, every teacher from the fourth grade on warns about the potential misinformation one could receive on Wikipedia, but the information available usually appears to be fairly reliable. I think that […]