Category: Web & Mobile
My Text Encoding Initiative… Through the use of TEI encoding, I have been able to formulate a representation of a text document in digital form. The short snippet of the document that I attempted to encode was called “A Poem on the Bill Lately Passed for Regulating the Slave Trade”. One of the main components in […]
Database != Hyperlink
What is a database? This might seem trivial, but the many responses to this question that I have received clearly represent the different perspectives to which people view data and information. When writing a paper or researching something, most writers turn to the web in order to gain access to new information. On online […]
Importance of markup
People are excited by reading attractive parts of a book or an article. Some pieces might be very important. Some articles are too long or not easy to understand all pieces firstly. Most of the time it is not necessary to read entire a blog or a document. We markup some elements which they are more […]
SciGirls Code: Designing CS Playlists for Girls
SciGirls Code from Twin Cities PBS is a connected learning project designed to increase the participation of middle school girls in computer science. Our pilot, which is now in development and will run during the 2017-18 school year, will engage girls at 16 sites across the country in hands-on robotics, e-textile, and mobile app development […]