• Berkman Klein Center Call for Applications: 2024-2025 BKC Fellowship

    Berkman Klein Center Call for Applications: 2024-2025 BKC Fellowship

  • How To Upload a File: May, 1994

    How To Upload a File: May, 1994

    This is a one-page long document explaining to a friend how to upload a file. May 1994, a page of instructions for Word Perfect, Rafael, Pine, Kermit . . . I also posted this in the Humanities Commons Repository: https://hastac.hcommons.org/deposits/objects/hc:52324/datastreams/CONTENT/content

  • In Memoriam to Julie Thompson Klein, One of HASTAC’s CoFounders

    In Memoriam to Julie Thompson Klein, One of HASTAC’s CoFounders

    Dear HASTAC’ers and other Friends, I just now read the news, via Bruce Janz, that the wonderful Julie Thompson Klein has died. A professor emerita at Wayne State University, where she taught for over thirty-six years, Julie was one of HASTAC’s early founders and a loyal and constant contributor. She was a scholar of interdisciplinary […]

  • Join the JITP Collective – Apply by Nov 30

    Join the JITP Collective – Apply by Nov 30

    Call for Participation The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both graduate student members and non-student members (faculty, staff, practitioners). […]

  • Equitable Inequity in Design Justice: A Review of Sasha Costanza-Chock’s “Design Values: Hard-Coding Liberation?”

    Equitable Inequity in Design Justice: A Review of Sasha Costanza-Chock’s “Design Values: Hard-Coding Liberation?”

    In Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Building the Worlds We Need, Sasha Costanza-Chock explores how current universalist design processes and principles are based on principles of exclusion, connects design to issues of collective liberation of marginalized communities and ecological conservation, and discusses how design may be used to advance those issues and dismantle structural inequality.  […]

  • A place for innovation? Sasha Costanza-Chock’s Design Justice Review

    Design Justice. Community-led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need Sasha Constanza-Chock   Chapter 4 Review Ciudá Lágui – Xul Solar (1939) Where does innovation take place? This may seem like a very simple question, that could be quickly answered. In a traditional perspective, and according to well established vision of a linear mode of innovation, research […]

  • Chapter 3 Review: “Design Narratives: From TXTMob to Twitter”

    Two rare and valuable traits in any scholarly text are immediate utility and lasting impact, and Sasha Costanza-Chock’s third chapter on the topic of Design Narratives exemplifies both. In this section of their wider work, Costanza-Chock outlines how reframing popular conceptions around who exactly designed new technology can be a tool of design justice. Beginning […]

  • HASTAC.org Migrates to HASTAC Commons

    A Message from Cathy Davidson and Jacqueline Wernimont  (From the HASTAC Newsletter, March 28, 2022) Dear HASTAC Friends,   Spring is here! Or at least we’re hoping you are all experiencing the promises of spring, wherever you are.   At HASTAC, we are full of energy… and heavy lifting. As you will see below, the […]

  • 50 Years of Text Games: [2015]

    Anthony Notaran – Hivemind #1: Lifeline Listicle Lifeline is a choice-based text adventure mobile game about an astronaut named Taylor. Centers around a fictional astronaut stranded somewhere in space. Players would help make choices for the astronaut. Players could accidently (or purposefully) lead Taylor to his death The game was designed to take place over […]

  • Tips for Achieving Greater Productivity

    Tips for Achieving Greater Productivity

      Business process realigning improves the organizational structure and introduces new methods of working to gain more productivity. Businesses should ensure it is done in the right way to make the employees adapt to the changes quickly and gain their cooperation. Business process realignment must get implemented gradually to integrate everyday processes into the new […]