Scholar Spotlight: Martin Perez Comisso
Hi! I’m Martín, a Chilean third-year Ph.D. student at Arizona State University. My program has the most extended name that I know for a degree, called “Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology,” which is based on science and technology studies (STS) but goes above and beyond that field. In the next questions, I […]
AI Residency at Facebook
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Residency Program is a one-year research training position designed to give you hands-on experience with artificial intelligence research while working at Facebook AI. The program will pair you with an AI Researcher and Engineer who will both guide your project. With the team, you will pick a research problem of mutual […]
Casting Couch Simulator__Notes, sketches and other stuff
Casting Couch Simulator__Postmodern
Designing game with academic papers as a starting point: This is the first time I have to create a game inspired by academic paper, and it was interesting. I didn’t start to make games until after college which I spent six years doing research in sociology and gender studies (worked various jobs […]
Casting Couch Simulator__What it is?
Title; Casting Couch Simeowlator Overview: You finally get your dream job as a pornography director, now it is time to find some actor that can make you some bucks. Game Experience: This is a point and clicks game in the genre of visual novels. You will be given choice during dialogue, the goal […]
Making Game with Renpy
What is Renpy? Renpy is one of the many visual novel engines. It is free and open-source, you can download it at https://www.renpy.org/. Renpy stands for Renai (Japanese for love) and Python. So as the name suggests, the game engine uses python as its coding language, and you can create games like a lot of Japanese […]