Category: Open Source & Open Web

  • Wikipedia


    Wikipedia! Growing up, in school you knew when writing a paper or report, Wikipedia could not be cited as a credible source. But I never really looked into what Wikipedia was all about until I read their Five Pillars. The main points are: ​ Wikipedia is an encyclopedia Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of […]

  • Editing Wikipedia’s Pages on YouTube

    Editing Wikipedia’s Pages on YouTube

    The citation I added to Wikipedia required finding the source of a quote from Margaret Thatcher’s 1995 memoirs on her opinion of Clement Attlee. Figuring out the title of Thatcher’s 1995 memoir was not difficult, but it took a bit more time to find the page number on which the quote appeared. I used the […]

  • The Crowd-sourced Encyclopedia

    The Crowd-sourced Encyclopedia

    Wikipedia comprises an enormous knowledge base that is constantly being adapted, edited and added to. In order to moderate this knowledge, Wikipedia utilizes a vast number of editors which it relies on to provide information, citations and so on. However, much of the information on Wikipedia is lacking a credible source. It may be that […]

  • Activism & Crowdsourcing

    Activism & Crowdsourcing

    Crowdsourcing and activism pair beautifully. There is power and numbers, and when it comes to activism, there is a lot of work that goes into researching, organizing, and mobilizing.  I searched the web for crowdsourcing project that had to do with activism. In my search I came across different types of crowdsourcing projects. What’s on the […]

  • The Stack of CrowdSourcing

    The Stack of CrowdSourcing

    What is crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is a method by which individuals or organizations use contributions to develop ideas or products. In today’s tech driven society, much of this is done through the use of the internet.   One of my favorite crowdsourcing platforms is stack overflow. I place this site in the category of crowdsourcing because […]

  • TEI Encoding and Headers

    TEI Encoding and Headers

                  The main parts of a TEI Header are the file description, encoding description, text profile, container element and revision history. In the case of the Williams poem, the Header informs us of the poem’s bibliographic information, the encoding description lets us know the poem was keyed in using Google books and the text […]