Category: Games & Gaming

  • Launching our new blog posts series “Playing with AI.”

    You might have noticed our new banner image on our HASTAC website. It looks great, and it was created by HASTAC Co-Director Parisa Setayesh, using AI. When she told me she had tried a few things with AI to develop a new illustration for our HASTAC Scholars Digital Fridays, I was very curious to see […]

  • Berkman Klein Center Call for Applications: 2024-2025 BKC Fellowship

    Berkman Klein Center Call for Applications: 2024-2025 BKC Fellowship

  • 50 Years of Text Games: [2015]

    Anthony Notaran – Hivemind #1: Lifeline Listicle Lifeline is a choice-based text adventure mobile game about an astronaut named Taylor. Centers around a fictional astronaut stranded somewhere in space. Players would help make choices for the astronaut. Players could accidently (or purposefully) lead Taylor to his death The game was designed to take place over […]

  • GAM 550: Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts

    GAM 550: Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts

      This is the final post in a series of posts in conjunction with GAM 550: Incubation Studio, a graduate level course within DePaul University’s MFA Game Design program. These posts will follow my process in incubating a design concept to bolster engagement with performance arts, with a particular focus on how to integrate theatrical practices within […]

  • GAM 550: Storyboarding

    GAM 550: Storyboarding

    This is part of a series of posts in conjunction with GAME 550: Incubation Studio, a graduate level course within DePaul University’s MFA Game Design program. These posts will follow my process in incubating a design concept to bolster engagement with performance arts, with a particular focus on how to integrate theatrical practices within digital […]

  • GAM 550: Empathy Mapping & Personas

    GAM 550: Empathy Mapping & Personas

    This is part of a series of posts in conjunction with GAM 550: Incubation Studio, a graduate level course within DePaul University’s MFA Game Design program. These posts will follow my process in incubating a design concept to bolster engagement with performance arts, with a particular focus on how to integrate theatrical practices within digital game spaces. After […]

  • GAM 550: Design Research Concept

    GAM 550: Design Research Concept

    This is part of a series of posts in conjunction with GAM 550: Incubation Studio, a graduate level course within DePaul University’s MFA Game Design program. These posts will follow my process in incubating a design concept to bolster engagement with performance arts, with a particular focus on how to integrate theatrical practices within digital game spaces. Over […]

  • GAM 550: Stakeholder Interviews

    GAM 550: Stakeholder Interviews

    This is part of a series of posts in conjunction with GAM 550: Incubation Studio, a graduate level course within DePaul University’s MFA Game Design program. These posts will follow my process in incubating a design concept to bolster engagement with performance arts, with a particular focus on how to integrate theatrical practices within digital game spaces. In […]

  • CSI Skill Tree series: Time & Emotion in Video Games

    CSI Skill Tree series: Time & Emotion in Video Games

    The CSI Skill Tree series from the Center for Science and the Imagination at Arizona State University examines how video games envision possible futures, build rich and thought-provoking worlds, and engage people as active participants in unfolding stories. In our third episode, we discuss how video games orchestrate time and emotion, with reference to a […]

  • Review: Feminism in Play

    Review: Feminism in Play

    The review linked below was written on Feminsm in Play for Volume 20, Issue 3 of Feminist Media Studies: